World Data Lab has created a World Poverty Clock for all countries with extreme poverty. It tracks the number of extremely poor (both men and women) across rural and urban areas.
It updates this every year. So you won’t find different numbers if you check every few days. But the statistics for 2020, 2021, 2022 etc. are different.
The most interesting feature of this Poverty Clock is an escape rate that tracks how quickly that country is reducing extreme poverty. It also gives a target escape rate that measures the required rate for a country to eradicate poverty by 2030 – the number one agenda on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) list.
The poverty escape rate in India is 0.2 people per second. This translates to 12 people per minute, 720 per hour, 17,280 per day, and 6.3M per year. The country has around 44M people living in extreme poverty in 2023. At this rate (6.3M per year), the country should be poverty free by 2030.
It’s one sign the Indian poor are not left behind. The next challenge for the country will be to tackle rising income and wealth inequality.